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Our tools

Quality, flexibility and adaptability are our watchwords. Considered by many to be the Swiss Army knife in our market, we know how to adapt our processes to satisfy our customers' needs and provide solutions that meet their requirements.

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Our ability to adapt

The refining process is an important step in ensuring the stability and removal of unwanted substances from our oils. Our refining unit ensures that we offer a healthy, clear and shiny oil. We aim to meet our customers' specifications and ensure flawless reliability through our responsiveness, large storage capacities and long-standing experience of the market.
Some blends are composed of five different oils. Their manufacture requires the technical expertise and flexibility that the size and adaptability of our facility offers. We are able to meet demanding and complex specifications thanks to our versatile production facilities and highly qualified employees.


« Il nous arrive de tâtonner avant d’obtenir la qualité souhaitée. Le secret c’est de bien connaître sa machine. Chacune réagit différemment selon l’huile que l’on raffine.»
Michel Lacaes
Adjoint au Manager Technique & production

nos outils bulles testimonial

Discover the process

The refining process consists of three main steps: neutralization, bleaching and deodorization.

There are two ways to refine oil:

Chemical refining

Allows us to work at a lower temperature, which is preferable for more fragile oils.

schema raffinage chimique en
vague bleu

Physical refining

Requires working at higher temperatures to distil the fatty acids, which avoids the first neutralisation step and optimises yields.

schéma raffinage physique

Au kilogramme près !

nos outils bulles au km
groupe 1146

We have set up a new production line that allows us to handle requests for more sensitive products and small volumes.

groupe 1150

Operating on a micro-industrial scale, with quantities of 200 to 800 litres, means that it is possible to meet the most stringent quality/product requirements. We also have a testing facility (5L capacity) for laboratory scale developments.

groupe 1148

It is a 100% adjustable and customisable service, 100% designed by Daudruy and 100% similar to more traditional processes.


Every product that passes through our premises is subjected to analysis and control.


We offer our customers bespoke logistics.

Want to know more ?
Let's talk together

A particular requirement, a question about oils? Don’t hesitate to ask our specialists.

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