dji 0151


Sharing local synergies

Daudruy's objective is to achieve energy efficiency so that we can reduce our CO2 emissions as much as possible and compensate for the rest. Thanks to the implementation of virtuous processes such as the energy node, we are gradually moving towards this goal.  

This project was carried out in collaboration with the Urban Community of Dunkirk and Dalkia. We succeeded in combining our synergies in order to set up a win/win and virtuous process.  

The collaboration between our company and the heating network is an old project, the first thoughts date back 50 years ago! Charles Daudruy was interested in recovering the steam from the waste incineration plant at the time. The plant, which no longer complied with standards, has since been replaced by the current CVE (Centre de Valorisation Énergétique). Dalkia took over the operation of the CVE and, together with the Dunkirk Urban Community, considered the question of connecting the heat production to the district heating network. The problem with the latter was that it only ran for part of the year, unlike the CVE, which runs all year round. In addition, its heat demand is very high during the winter periods and requires additional heat. The ideal solution was therefore to integrate a local industrial producer and consumer of steam into the loop. 

The companies at the Daudruy site produce and consume steam all year round. As a result, we produce excess steam in the winter, which is consumed by the urban network, and we consume the steam from the CVE production in the summer.


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